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Digital media entrepreneurs in Latin America are serving an increasingly important role. They are not just producing news — they are generators of change, promoting better laws, defending human rights, exposing corruption and fighting abuses of power. They are driven to produce independent news in highly politically polarized countries — and some of them are paying a high price for it.

There are now hundreds of digital media natives in the region that range from small, volunteer-fueled projects serving niche audiences, to significant news organizations reaching tens of millions through websites, podcasts and social media.

This study is the first comprehensive examination of the impact these entrepreneurs are having, the risks they face and whether a viable business model has emerged for quality, independent, digital journalism. To conduct this research, SembraMedia, with the support of Omidyar Network, commissioned a team to study 100 digital news startups, 25 each in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.

This report is aimed at helping the founders of digital media startups better understand the trends, threats and best practices that affect them. It is also designed to help investors, foundations and journalism organizations to appreciate the value, vulnerability and impact of this fast-growing media ecosystem.

This resource is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Story About the Tool "Study offers tips on how to make independent news sites profitable"
ICFJ Knight Fellow

International Center for Journalists